SEC - Saveetha Engineering College (Autonomous) was established in the year 2001 by the Saveetha Medical and Educational Trust. With 35 years of excellence in Education, we developed SEC into a renowned institution for Engineering Education and Research. Saveetha Group of Institutions is headed by Dr. N. M. Veeraiyan, a committed & dedicated Medical Professional and a visionary philanthropist par excellence.
LEARNING BY DOING - All subjects are integrated with 50% Practical through PBL - Project Based Learning & CLAB - Class in LAB system.
LESS IS MORE - SEC follows Finland Model of Education.
LIFE LONG LEARNING through 5C’s - Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Caring.
SCOFT - Saveetha Consortium for Future Technologies to prepare the learners for INDUSTRY 5.0 enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship.
HOLISTIC LEARNING - Transdisciplinary courses like Design Thinking, Problem Solving, Music, Theatre, Yoga, Dance, Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, Civics, • Biology, Humanity, Sports etc., as part of Curriculum.
Blended Learning, Access to content and Assessment through Moodle LMS - Learning Management System for Interactive learning experience.
MASTERY IN LEARNING - Made possible by learning each course in smaller Modules.
One among the First College in India to have World's Most Powerful AI Supercomputing NVIDIA DGX H100.
Tamilnadu’s First Fully Automated SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY in an Education Institution.
More than 95% Learners are Consistently Placed in Top MNCs.
Vibrant Placement Department, Active Entrepreneurship Cell & IPR Cell.
Placement Training from First Year onwards through Exclusive Training embedded within the Curriculum.
Courses conducted by Faculty from Industry to enhance Technical skills.
IELTS | Business English Certificate (BEC) Training for all in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, UK.
Infosys Campus Connect Program for Soft Skill development.
German, French, Japanese, Chinese Courses as part of Curriculum.
START-UP eco system through Incubation Centre.
Exclusive Training for Competitive Exams GRE, GMAT, CAT, MAT, Toefl, IES / GATE etc.